Voicemail Drop

Voicemail Drop

Keep Your Lead Engaged, Boost Conversion With Voicemail Drop

Are you struggling to reach your leads? Keep your leads warm with personalized pre-recorded voicemails sent directly to them with one click. Don’t give up your leads without getting your voice delivered to them.


Your Potential Customers Not Answering? No Problem!

Introduce Your Business

Introduce Your Business

Use voicemail drop to introduce your business and highlight how your product or service can solve specific problems they may have.
Follow-Up with Personalized Message

Follow-Up with Personalized Message

Make your leads feel valued by delivering personalized voicemail that acknowledges their previous interest or interaction with your business.
Send Exclusive Offers or Discounts

Send Exclusive Offers or Discounts

Customers are more likely to respond to a message that offers value. So, send them an exclusive offer or discount through voicemail drop.
What is a Voicemail Drop?

What is a Voicemail Drop?

Voicemail drop is a direct bridge that delivers your pre-recorded voicemails/ voice messages to your target audience’s voicemail box with a single click. This means you can reach thousands of your customers at once so that your voice gets heard without disrupting their days

Step-By-Step process on how voicemail drop works?

Step-By-Step process on how voicemail drop works?

Record Your Message

Start by recording your message personalizing to the intent of your message and customer’s preferences.

Upload Your Contacts

Add the leads and customers you want your message to get delivered. You can do it manually or directly import it from excel file or CRM.

Initiate the Drop

Now, trigger the voicemail drop feature. Your message will land directly on their voicemail box.

Track Delivery

Use the reporting tool to track how many of the messages got opened and how you can improve your future campaigns.

You Will Get More Than Just A Voicemail Drop

Effortlesse Outreach at Scale

Voicemail drop is an optimal way to connect thousands of your target audience with a pre-recorded voicemail directly. This automates your message delivery process, freeing up your agents for more productive tasks.

Personalized & Professional Messaging

You can work freely to make your message clear, professional and tailored to your business intent and audience needs. This flexibility helps you build trust while maintaining your brand’s reputation.

Lead Engagement

It’s hard to reach your leads? Voicemail makes it simple and ensures your message gets delivered even when they don’t answer your phone. This keeps leads warm and provides a non-intrusive way to stay on their radar.

Actionable Insights and Cost Savings

Keep track of your voicemail delivery and engagement rates to evaluate campaigns’ success. It automates your message delivery process reducing operational costs while offering a high return on investment.


Get your questions and confusions answered quickly. Feel free to contact us now for your unanswered queries.

Go to the IVR setting on your AakashTel Call center solution. There you will be displayed the lists of your IVR, select the one IVR where you want to add your customized greeting. If you are setting up the IVR for the first time, “Add new IVR” and upload your customized greeting to it.

Click on the going call you want to transfer the call. You will be displayed with numerous options, click on the “transfer” button. Dial the extension number or phone number you want to transfer the call to and transfer the call.

Login to the AakashTel call center solution using your credentials. Click on the “Staff Setting” button, then go-to the Department section and create a department by clicking on the “Add New Department” button on the top right corner and assign a DID number for your department or team. Now go to “IVR” and then create a new IVR where you can assign extension numbers to each of your team or employees.

It depends on the number of users and the additional features you want in your IVR solutions. Explore our different pricing plans or reach our sales team to explore different options you have.

Here’s simple step-by-step process using our solution: - Create a Campaign: Define the goal (e.g., promotion, feedback, reminders). - Upload Contacts: Add a list of recipients’ phone numbers. - Set the Message: Record or script the message you want to deliver. - Schedule Calls: Choose the best time for calls based on the audience. - Launch and Monitor: Start the campaign and track its performance through analytics like delivery rate and responses.