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Never Miss a Call from Your Customer Ever Again!
Stay connected with your customers 24/7 even outside of your business hours. Respond to your voicemails and never miss an opportunity ever again.
Virtual voicemail is a modern replacement for traditional answering machines or voicemail systems. It is a cloud-based voicemail system that allows businesses or individuals to store messages in the cloud without the need for a physical device.
Being stored in the cloud, it gives the flexibility to retrieve your messages through phone, desktop or any other devices from anywhere. Nonetheless, it also has features like call forwarding and transcription service (transcribe audio message to text) which helps in the operational efficiency of your team.
When your phone is not answered, it is automatically routed to the voicemail system after a pre-set number of rings or if the line is busy.
Your caller will hear a pre-recorded greeting informing if they want to leave a voicemail they can.
After a beep, the caller records their voicemail which you will receive in your digital voice voicemail box.
You will get a pop-up notification about the new voicemail via phone, emails, or SMS.
Also you can add a personalized touch by setting up the route so that your customers can leave voicemails for your specific team or agents.
Get your questions and confusions answered quickly. Feel free to contact us now for your unanswered queries.
To set up the voicemail, Click on the “Setting” button and go to the “IVR” section of our call management software solution. There you can “Add new IVR” or change your voicemail message.
Go to the IVR setting on your AakashTel Call center solution. There you will be displayed the lists of your IVR, select the one IVR where you want to add your customized greeting. If you are setting up the IVR for the first time, “Add new IVR” and upload your customized greeting to it.
Using our Call center solution, you can access all of your voice messages anytime without a certain time limitation.
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